Monday, October 18, 2010

Seven Deadly Sins: Pride

I am not a fan of egoistic people; those people who like to talk of other people's business and try to bring themselves up and put others down, to make your facade look better and ruin the image of others. Those who only care about themselves and their needs and never give a damn to how other people feel. I don't get why the need to lift yourself up. I don't get it why you like to talk about them in a manner that you degrade them so much and they aren't worthy of being in the same place as you, that they are the inferior and you are the superior being. 

Why am I so affected? Well, being with you while you rant about them is such a toxic environment. You bring so much negativity with the words you utter, and being in the same place with you makes me negative too; psychologically and emotionally.

What's worse is that you are a self-proclaimed "spiritual" person. It is the sin of pride and vanity that works under your skin, and maybe in your cold heart. I must remind you that it is one of the Capital Sins. I am here to warn you that it does no one any good. The source of pride and vanity are treasures and power. You have not the latter, you are just delusional when it comes to having power. You are not the superior, but the inferior. You should walk the talk.

I have had enough. Maybe one day I will just snap and let all these things out. But for now, I will try to pacify my emotions. 

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